Money, money, money
Money is the root of all….give me a break! Who thought you to believe such a lie?! Be careful of the things that you believe, for they can destroy your life. Some believes will empower you, while others will disempower you.I think if you really listen to what people say, they will tell you exactly who they are. Some people are very selfish, and don’t care about you or anyone else. May you reading this is such a person. On the other hand the rest of us or, some of us care very deeply for others; and, that to can be a weakness. We must be mindful to be balance. I just wanted to get that out of the way.
Money Helps
However, for the folks who like and care about people; we like to help others. Sometimes to help people you must have money. So money is helpful after all. Just think for a moment; if your loved ones were in a nursing home, would you feel good about leaving them there? For those of us who would want them with us, money will enable that.If you had someone whom you care deeply for wrongfully accused and incarcerated, it will take tons of money to fight the system. If you wanted to help some of the starving children in this world it will take money, lots of it. Stop waiting for someone else to do it! Or, do you only care about your own self?
Happiness without Money
Yes, we can be happy without being rich, but who is going to put a smile on all the hungry little faces. I am on a mission, so if you only care about you don’t interrupt me while I do what I do; doing my best to help those who deserve it. Like Zig Zigular said, money may not be everything, but t ranks right up there with oxygen. How many people have you helped lately? The answer is for you. So if you have to judge, judge you only. After all we only know what’s in our own hearts.I am on a mission to help as many people that I can before the life in me leave this dimension.
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