How Socially Responsible Actions can be the Back Bone of a Social Movement
How can socially responsible actions help a movement? This is an explanation of factors that contributed to the success of social movements. Presented are some ways in which you could pattern socially responsible actions today after successful movements of the past. As well as, a few factors which might be different today that might necessitate some differences in approach.There are many factors that contributed to the success of social movements. Some factors are the courage that is shown by people who take a stand for what’s right. So too, summoning the ability to take on a challenge to right a wrong; not knowing how exactly to right the wrong. But, knowing that the important thing is to be authentic, and honor one’s self and children. It is, also, important to remain open-minded and don’t get too self righteous about one’s vision. This can facilitate natural evolution of one’s view, and that’s okay. As one grows intellectually one’s views may change. However, one can still hold fast to the basic principle of fairness and justice (Loeb, 2010). One should also learn the law that applies to one’s social movement situation. Know how to go about using the law to protect participants of one’s movement, and have mutual respect and trust for each other. As well, one should have good structure so that each member knows his or her position and duties (Goldberg, 2010).
Learning Socially Responsible Actions from History
Moreover, socially responsible actions could be pattern today after successful movements of the past. One way could be to use the principles of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and finding peaceful means to an end. Take, for example, the bombing of animal research facilities, and abortion clinics. This is crossing the line with a bang. And clearly, these actions wipeout any morality of the actor and the mean are unjustifiable. One’s actions or means should be morally reflective and having consistency with the end (Loeb, 2010). By following the example of successful movement such as those led by Dr. King through peaceful demonstration. As well as, learning and applying the law. Socially responsible actions may be successfully applied today consistent with those of the past (Ling, 1998).Socially Responsible Actions and the World Wide Web
In addition, there are factors like the World Wide Web that not necessary necessitate, but will facilitate a different approach. With all the social net works available, one could promote a movement very quickly today. Even president Obama utilized the internet when he ran for office in 2008. As well, one may have to watch the language used in promoting one’s movement. After 911 the country went on high alert. So, some language and or actions may translate to be misinterpreted as actions against the country; or an attack against the country, and or state. Thus, one must take extreme care to be mindful socially responsible actions when using the web. So too, to gather in large masses today may be seen as an opportunity by terrorist to be so used.
Goldberg, R. A. (2010). The challenge of change: Social movements as non-state actors. Utah Law Review, (1), 65–79.Ling, P. (1998). Martin luther king’s half-forgotten dream. History Today, 48, (4), 17–22.
Loeb, P. R. (2010). Soul of a citizen: Living with conviction in challenging times. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.
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