Sunday, May 12, 2013

Did Globalization Take Away Jobs in America?

Did Globalization Take Away Jobs in America?

globalizationWhat is the greatest opportunity and the greatest threat associated with globalization? The greatest opportunity associated with globalization is the economic one. That is true both for the home country and the country being the recipient of outsourcing. For instance, a U.S. based company outsources the production of jeans to a third world country. By outsourcing, that company now pays one quarter the cost it was paying in the United States on production. However, the U.S. based company is still selling its jeans at the same price or higher, thus, making a bigger profit than before. The third world country workers though being paid less than American workers are happy to be employed. Plus, the third world nation may now specialize in jeans allowing them to build their economy. Not to mention, that third world nation may now buy American goods with their increase income (Hill, 2009).

The Greatest Threat of Globalization is he Lost of Needed Jobs

Moreover, the greatest threat associated with globalization relative to America is the loss of unskilled workers jobs. In that, by outsourcing jobs from America to countries whose workers do work for far less, we create our own demise; to the same extent that those jobs are outsourced, workers are displaced in America. For example, in the paragraph above, the American workers that were manufacturing the jeans that were outsourced to the third world country are now looking for work. Even though, I have read the argument of the technology-induced shift within developed nations. Still, this strengthens the argument for keeping jobs requiring unskilled workers in the home country. After all, America has created generations of welfare recipients who has no skills; without those jobs crime will escalate in America (Hill).

From Globalization Displaced Worker to Entrepreneur

If you were displaced because of globalization, one way out is becoming an entrepreneur. We are living in rapidly changing times, and some people just don’t know what to do. Most of the jobs that went away because of globalization are not coming back. So, stop waiting for those jobs to return. What to do then? It is time to re-invent you! And, that is what personal development is all about; It’s learning a new trade, or going back to school to learn about current jobs in the market; that is, if you are into jobs. As well as developing leadership abilities and business development, and wealth and financial management.  This is what’s going to take you to the next level. Don’t think about starting your own business, that is, if you don’t want to take responsibility for your income. But, remember profits will get you to your income goal faster than wages.

Hill, C. W. (2009). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace (6th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,
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About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy. I am a Dad, husband, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

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