Sunday, May 12, 2013

Woman Received the Best Mother’s Day Ever

Woman Received the Best Mother’s Day Ever

073581-nancy-ruizOne woman received to best Mother’s Day ever. According to fox new, Nancy Ruiz was separate from her daughter for nearly ten years.  Nancy kept hope alive that her daughter was still among the living. Today Nancy is celebrating the best Mother’s Day of her life; her daughter, Gina DeJesus was restored to her at last. Fox news reported Nancy Ruiz as saying “this is the best Mother’s Day I could ever have.” Her daughter recently escaped from what fox news framed “the Cleveland house of horrors” apparently Gina and three others were allegedly being held in captivity by Ariel Castro.  Gina was kidnapped at age 14 and is now 23, she and the others were allegedly kept in the basement of Castro’s home. –Fox News

The Origin of Mother’s Day

In America, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. On Mother’s Day we recognize all positive contributions of made by moms to society. But, I think the greatest recognition of all is that of motherhood and the maternal bonds that is undisputable. However, Mother’s Day as is calibrated worldwide has different beginnings. Still, though, the world is mostly now adapted to Mother’s Day as celebrated in the United States. What most may not be aware of is how Mother’s Day came to be a celebrated day in the United States; it was a day not to celebrate, but to honor mother’s who had lost their sons to war.

The Ultimate Mother’s Day Gift

The true Mother’s Day gift is recognizing gender equality. It is widely taught, and believe, that women come from a man’s rib. But I beg- to- differ; I don’t care how much you may think that to be true. If there were no women here on earth to grow children you will be non-existent. The rib is a metaphor that implies that a woman’s place is as with a man’s place, side-by-side with his woman. Thus, a woman’s place is at your side. So, don’t think that you man is above your woman! Here place is at your side. And, believe me, you will get nowhere without her. Just look at the world today, who have been running it, and what state is it in? The world is a mess. In order to make a balance decision, we must have balance; male and female energy. I this light I will be truly happy to say: “Happy Mother’s Day” to all true women of his earth.

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About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy. I am a Dad, husband, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

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