Saturday, July 20, 2013

President Obama and the Trayvon Martin Ruling


President Obama Speaks on the Trayvon Martin Case


Speak up on the Trayvon Martin Case

What are your thoughts on what the president said about the Trayvon Martin case?
Think about it, if Trayvon Martin was of age, had a gun, and stood his grounds would the case had gone in his favor, or do you think he would have been found guilty of murder? African Americans do not receive the same outcomes in the judicial system in this country.
Justice is indeed blind!
According to the Business Insider:
Martin’s father, Tracy, said on ABC’s Good Morning America show (video embedded below) that he’ll “never grasp” the jury’s decision to acquit Zimmerman of all charges and that the verdict was “devastating.”
We Africans have to demand that things MUST change, none but us will stand-up for us!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The McDonald’s Scam


How McDonald’s is Scamming Its Employees out of a Check

According to a recent article that can be viewed on, McDonald’s is not playing fair. The article states that McDonald’s employees are forced to use a debit card to receive their pay. The problem is that this JP Morgan Case debit card is supposedly loaded with fees.

McDonald’s Under Paying?

One young lady was stunned to find out that not only was she going to be paid just over minimum wage, but by the time all the fees were taken out, she may have less than minimum.
Fees for cash withdrawals to balance inquiries to lost or stolen cards to overdrafts and even inactivity fees. The federal government has helped reduce fees on credit and debit cards that most consumers use, but those protections don’t apply to the kinds of cards companies like McDonald’s are using to pay employees.
To add gas to the fire, the JP Morgan Chase debit card is the only method of payment authorized by McDonald’s. The young lady stated they (McDonald’s) refused do direct deposited to her Credit Union. So this young lady left the job, only to find out that this is the new trend with many major employers.
"The New York Times reported that last year roughly 4.6 million active payroll cards were issued by companies like McDonald’s."

McDonald Part of the New Slave Trade?

Everyone deserves to receive fair pay; these debit card payrolls are only a tool use to highjack ones hard earn pay. And you say slavery was over, wake-up my friends welcome to the industrial complex plantations. The new form of slavery!
Below is the original to this article, and the petition to stop McDonald’s in it track.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

This Game


We are in the Game of Life

"You have to be in it to win it”

This Game
-Anthony Williams
Stop being a spectator all through life;
you have got to be in it to win it,
this game called life!
Ride it with all your might,
and if you get thrown off as sometimes you might,
get back on; grab those reins,
and hold on tight.
Don’t let life get you down!
Have no fear for what might come,
for life will manifest that which you fear.
You see,
they took you energies and set them in motion,
and then control you,
 by controlling your emotions.
this ain’t toys-are-us so,
you can’t push my buttons.
Learn to control your square,
before you end up in a snare,
and fall into despair.
Life might sometimes seem unfair,
but that’s because you fail to properly prepare.
May be,
just maybe,
 you are unaware,
 that this game called life is one of solitaire;
only you to decide what your future bears.
Radical9Mind is here to share this small life lesson,
I hope you heard.
Only you hold the key to what your future might be;
only you pay the fare,
that is,
if you prepare.
For that which you prepare is that which in time do appear.
Stop being a spectator all through life!
this game called life.
© 2009 Radical9Mind (ALW)

A Hispanic America: Nation within a Nation


A New Hispanic America is on the way

In today’s world things are rapidly changing, and a Hispanic America is a reality. The world is at a point of revolutionizing, and America is at the forefront of this reform.  We are steadily talking about globalization, and the effects on the American economy. Large corporations are diversifying to meet the needs of global businesses. And, why not, we are a very diverse nation.

In this post we examine the article, Hispanic Nation, presented by Grow (2004) in (Jones & George, 2007, pp.131-135). This is a phenomenon that is affecting the very fibers of our country, see for yourselves.  We scrutinize: what are the implications of the influx of Hispanics for diversity in the United States? What are the cost and benefits for Hispanics of trying to retain their own cultures while assimilating into U.S. culture?  Is the notion of the United States as a “melting pot” outdated? Why or why not? Also, to what extent does increasing globalization mean more multiculturalism and more multilingual citizens in a variety of countries, including the United States?

Implications of a Hispanic America

Implications of the influx of Hispanics for diversity in the United States; by 2003, Latinos had become the largest minority group in America, Saenz (2004) in Population Reference Bureau (2008).  The impact they have made on the fabric of the American cultural quilt is significant.  Food, music, advertising, clothing, education, and politics have all expanded to embrace the Latino culture, and to the advantage of these industries. Between 1994 and 2005, the number of Hispanic-Americans grew six times more than the general market (Torres & Briggs, 2007, p.1).

American businesses have taken notice. Changes in product lines, and advertising to appeal to Hispanic markets, are probably the most apparent addition to the American culture.  Mexican food stores and restaurants are plentiful; new flavors like dulce de leche are taking the shelves.

In ethnic communities, many billboards are now in Spanish.  Companies have recognized and are focused on the Hispanic market (Torres & Briggs 2007, p.1). Proctor and Gamble sums it up on their website by stating they are “. . . making a difference, supporting Hispanic education and health, expanding work force and supplier diversity, and proactively reaching out to the Hispanic community in a variety of ways ” Rivera (2008) in  (Proctor & Gamble, (2008).

Cost and Benefits for Hispanics

Additionally, there are some cost and benefits for Hispanics trying to retain their own cultures while assimilating into U.S. society. For example, Hispanics have a 50% failure rate in obtaining high school diplomas, Grow (2004) in (Jones & George, 2007, p.133). With over 400,000 Latinos migrating to America each year, many Hispanics who live here become comfortable living amongst themselves and speaking Spanish, Grow (2004) in (Jones & George, 2007, p.133). This language barrier causes them to do poorly in school.

Also, because of their strong work ethics many Latinos drop out of school to help make ends meet, Grow (2004) in (Jones & George, 2007, p.133). Many of these poorly educated, low-skilled, and non English speaking Latinos, who have no other alternatives, fill jobs, such as field and/or crop workers, house cleaning, and factory worker.

In contrast, regardless of their jobs, “Latinos… disposable income has jumped 29% since 2001, to $652 billion in 2003…according to the Selig Center for Economic Growth at the University of Georgia” Grow (2004) in (Jones & George, 2007, p132).

In addition, everyday, many Latinos are able to cross the border between the United States and Mexico to visit their families, enabling them to maintain family ties, work, and vacation. Besides, The Hispanic community has turned the eyes of America’s industries, which are now catering to their passions. Hispanics are swiftly becoming the trend setters.

Hispanics as the Majority is America

But, is the notion of the United States as a “melting pot” outdated? Why or why not? Throughout the world America is known as the “melting pot”. This is a term used to describe “the way homogenous societies develop in which the ingredients (people of different cultures, races and religions) are combined to form one multiethnic society” Wikipedia (2008).

This had pertained to people of African and European descent, and the “melting” of their backgrounds and ethnicities to become what is known as “American’ culture.  No longer are we recognized as Africans or Italians, we have become Americans with no distinguishable lines.

However, Hispanic immigrants have slowly but surely become the largest minority in this country, and the “melting pot” may no longer fit the bill. “Hispanics aren’t so much assimilating as acculturating-acquiring a new culture while retaining their original one” Grow (2004) in (Jones & George 2007, p.133).

Latinos children are learning English in school and coming home to their Spanish speaking families and neighborhoods.  Thus, the “melting pot” may soon be obsolete. As more Hispanics impact the American culture, we begin to see ourselves as a Mosaic, or maybe even a salsa, taking us into a new America.

Finally, to what extent does increasing globalization mean more multiculturalism and more multilingual citizens in a variety of countries, including the United States? Globalization is not just about commerce, it’s also about culture and language. Many countries are experiencing drastic and constant influx of foreign populations.
Chile has seen an increase of 75 % since 1992, while an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 Albanians have crossed the border into Greece. The United States had experienced a growth of 38.8 million Hispanics by 2003, an all-time high, Cohen (2007). Many countries are attempting to stop this onslaught, by building security barriers at their borders, with little to no success.
Hispanics, Diversity and Globalization
Culture diversity is playing a huge role in globalization. Manufacturing companies are forced to print multi-lingual instructions for their products; this is just one example of globalization in the United States. Expectations that Hispanics will account for nearly 25 % of the American workforce in the next two generations, Grow (2004) in (Jones & George, 2007, p.132) , is a strong indicator, that mangers across the United States need to become bilingual.

Preserving the Hispanic Culture

Several programs are already in existence to preserve the Hispanic culture. Two such programs are ‘The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA), an incorporated, non-profit, national association representing the interest of… Hispanic attorneys, judges, law professors, legal professions… paralegals, and law students in the United States” Hispanic National Bar Association (2002-2007). And, “The National Hispanic Medical Association is a nonprofit association, representing 36,000 licensed Hispanic physicians in the United States” National Hispanic Medical Association (2007).

In conclusion, Hispanics are now the majority minority group, and are affecting our industries. Their poor educational status entraps them in the worst low paying jobs; still, they spend the most money among the minority groups. Moreover, Latinos are able to regularly visit their country, and live in their own communities here in America.

Because of the aforementioned, they retain their culture acculturating more than assimilating changing the “melting pot” status of America. Meanwhile, because of Globalization, many countries are seeing an influx of immigrants, and America is no different. Thus, we now have a fast growing Spanish America, a nation within a nation.

Cohen. I. (2007)Hispanics in the United States. Retrieved May 5th, 2008, from United Nations Headquarters, New York, N.Y.

Grow, B. (2004) in Jones, G. R. & George, J. M. (2007). Essentials of Contemporary Management 2nd Edition. McGrew-Hill Company, Inc., New York, NY.

Hispanic National Bar Association. (2002-2007). National Voice of the: U.S. Hispanic Legal Community. Retrieved April 30th, 2008,

National Hispanic Medical Association. (2007). Hispanic physicians. Retrieved May 5th, 2008, from

Rivera, I. in Proctor & Gamble, (2008). Diversity.Retrieved April 30th, 2008, from

Saenz, R. (2004) in Population Reference Bureau (2008). Latinos and the Changing Face of America.Retrieved April 30th, 2008, from

Torres, I. & Briggs, E. (2007). Identification Effects on Advertising Response. Journal of Advertising, 36(3), 97-108. Retrieved April 30th, 2008, from

Wikipedia. (2008). Melting Pot. Retrieved April 30th, 2008, from

Friday, June 21, 2013

Stay Focused


Focus for Success

Business people, you must stay focused on your business to achieve the success you are looking for. There is something new and shinny coming out every day. However, to achieve one’s goal it is of critical importance that you remain focused.

You should be thinking about a three to five- year plan in achieving your goal with the vehicle of your choice. In America we are trained to have a five year business plan.

In Japan they have a five hundred year plan”

Just think about that one, we are talking grandchildren and great great-grandchildren legacy. This is the level of thinking we need to be at. When you leave a legacy like that people remember you.

Focus and the Brain

We were built to focus on one thing at a time; this is how the brain operates. So, focus on building your current business, and allow us to help you. Once you have generated a good monthly income with your current business, then you can think about expanding. When you have a task at hand, and you concentrate on it, the job can be done in lightening speed. But, if you think of something else while at work the task takes longer.

Focus and Business

When we apply a laser like focus to our business, we can achieve result in half the time it would have took otherwise. Don’t allow new or ground floor, and untested opportunities to derail you. However, seek out and apply new business concepts that will enhance or help build your current business. Stay focused!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Get Money Part 2


You Need Money, so Stop Judging and Start Helping

In this vlog I am just finishing up my thoughts on why some are on a get-money run. People, don’t judge the book until you read it. Even then, take what is useful to you and leave what’s left for someone who may need it. Don’t pretend you know everyone’s thoughts. There are still some good people out here, and your perception is your reality. Change your perception, and everything around you will also.

Life is abundance, and there is an abundance for the taking. There is enough for everyone, so don’t be afraid to help someone to achieve financial success. That someone may be the very person to help you, and in denying them you deny your success. Maintain an abundance attitude, for if you think scarcity it will show up in your life. It is true, as a man or woman thinks so is he or she. Money is waiting for you to accept it in your life.

Money is the Root of Helping People

If you are an honest person then we can agree that money can provide a great life for many. Money can be a tool to help many. But to be fair, in the hands of the wrong people money can be used for negative also. But, it is for this very reason we should be on a get- money run so we can counter that. Let us do some positive deeds with money. A tool can be use for whatever one chooses, the outcome depend on the nature of the owner.

Government’s Money

People are some funny individuals, they are very lazy. They are waiting on the government to help them, mean while, there is money for the taking. People want the government to change; they want cooperate America to change (i.e., bring back jobs from oversees); people want the economy to change. They want everything to change; but guess what, nothing will change until we change! If you want something you have to make it happen. “Change your mindset, change your future.”-Anthony L. Williams

I remain a spiritual being…

Monday, June 17, 2013

Do be a Hypocrite when it comes to Money


Money, money, money

Money is the root of all….give me a break! Who thought you to believe such a lie?! Be careful of the things that you believe, for they can destroy your life. Some believes will empower you, while others will disempower you.

I think if you really listen to what people say, they will tell you exactly who they are. Some people are very selfish, and don’t care about you or anyone else. May you reading this is such a person. On the other hand the rest of us or, some of us care very deeply for others; and, that to can be a weakness. We must be mindful to be balance. I just wanted to get that out of the way.

Money Helps

However, for the folks who like and care about people; we like to help others. Sometimes to help people you must have money. So money is helpful after all. Just think for a moment; if your loved ones were in a nursing home, would you feel good about leaving them there? For those of us who would want them with us, money will enable that.

If you had someone whom you care deeply for wrongfully accused and incarcerated, it will take tons of money to fight the system. If you wanted to help some of the starving children in this world it will take money, lots of it. Stop waiting for someone else to do it! Or, do you only care about your own self?

Happiness without Money

Yes, we can be happy without being rich, but who is going to put a smile on all the hungry little faces. I am on a mission, so if you only care about you don’t interrupt me while I do what I do; doing my best to help those who deserve it. Like Zig Zigular said, money may not be everything, but t ranks right up there with oxygen. How many people have you helped lately? The answer is for you. So if you have to judge, judge you only. After all we only know what’s in our own hearts.

I am on a mission to help as many people that I can before the life in me leave this dimension.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

No Stereotype


Conformed to Stereotype

This post is on stereotype an interesting subject, one that takes me back to my teenage-years. In retrospect, I can truly say that if one conforms to a failing system, belief, or mindset he or she is destined to fail. This is speaking not only from reading but my life experiences as well.

For instance, when I was in high school I made some bad choices. I conformed to the stereotype that I was expected to be in, making it a reality.  When I came to America at the age of fourteen I was quite the scholastic one. I did not have to study for my exams nor do any home work; however, I had no street smarts. As well, my parents should have enrolled me into a higher grade at the high school. Instead, my parents listened to the school counselor who started me in the 9th grade, where I was bored.

Stereotype to High School Dropout

What’s more, I knew all the school work, as I had studied the material before in Trinidad. So, I started to hang out with the in crowd which was a new experience for me. Before I realize what was going on I stopped going to my college bound classes. When I caught myself and went to the school counselor. The counselor at the school told me that I needed to dropout and may be try for a GED (general education diploma) or trade school. She, also, said that I was not cut out for high school. I had missed too many classes to be eligible for the graduating class.

Self-Threatening Stereotype

Further, this was a classical case of “the possibility of conforming to the stereotype or of being treated and judged in terms of it– becomes self-threatening” (Steele, 1997, p. 5). I became “self-threatening” (Steele, 1997, p. 5), when I placed myself into the stereotype of a West Indian immigrant whom could not pass his classes. And, I was judge as such, knowing to myself that I was probably the brightest kid in my classes. It was not until 5 years later that I went back and obtained a GED, I then joined the Marine Corps. Today I don’t conform to anything; I am the guy that is turning right when everyone else is turning left; unless I determine that to turn left will benefit me.

Steele, C. M. (1997). A Threat in the Air:  How Stereotypes Shape Intellectual Identity and Performance. American Psychologist, 52(6), 613–629.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

On the Road to Success


Stay on the Road to Success

On the road to success one may encounter some obstacles, however, always remember it is not what happens along the way. What matters is how you respond to those would be obstacles.  If you encounter enough so-called obstacles, eventually you will learn how to handle them. So, welcome any, an all challenges because you can’t grow without a challenge as Jim Rohn would put it.

Just stop and think for a moment, can a plane fly without gravity? No, yet it is the very thing that can bring it crashing down to earth. So like a plane is designed, find a way to turn your weaknesses into strengths.

On the Road -Anthony Williams


Fail Your Way to Success

Keep your goal in your mind and don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is your friend, if you don’t fail at something you are playing it to safe. That means you may never obtain your success, we must take a calculate risk to succeed.

It is said that the Apollo rockets were off cause about 97% of the time, that would mean they had to re-adjust 97 time out of a 100 to reach their targeted goal. Only three percent of the time they were on the road (so to speak) to success. How many of us give-up after the very first attempt at reaching for success. Claim what is your, or live a life of fear.

Just make sure you are not running east looking for a sunset, as Tony Robins would say. In other words, make sure you are in the right vehicle to take you to success. Don’t give up on yourself!
This entry was posted in 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

No Rain

by | on June 12, 2013  

They May forecast rain, but it don’t have to fall in your life if you see the sunshine…

Big Idea Mastermind Team can help you with your financial goal if you want it…

Take responsibility for your own life; don’t listen to what others may have forecast for you.

If you keep listening to the bad news it will destroy you mentally. You have to literally take your own life into your hands. When we become responsibly and accept that we control what happens to us, things will change for us.

For example, if they say that the economy is doing badly (rain for some) don’t let that be your reality. Create your own reality; don’t be a “Victim of Circumstance” make your own circumstances.

You can go ahead and push that red button below the video when you ready!

When you change your perception your realty will change, so have a positive outlook on your life. See the sunshine. Thoughts are things, and they affect your world, so choose your thoughts wisely. You can only attract to you what is in resonance with you. For instance, if you hit the F note on a piano and there is another piano across the room its F note will start vibrating also.

So, be the cause that set a positive life changing action in motion, not just for your but for generations to come. Leave a legacy behind for your children and grandchildren. Guess what, they may forecast rain but No Rain can stop you. No Rain may fall!

No Rain:
-Anthony Williams
“Change Your Mind, Change Your Future”

Opt-in Now

Monday, June 10, 2013

Types of Costs Included in a Plant Asset

by | on June 8, 2013  

Plant Asset Cost


These are some different types of cost included in a plant asset? Here, cost in this instance, according to Wild, Shaw and Chiappetta (2009), “includes all normal and reasonable expenditures necessary to get the asset in place and ready for its intended use” (p. 232).

For example, there is land cost which is, the total amount paid for land (Wild, et al.). This may include real estate commission, title insurance fees, legal fees, and accrued property taxes paid by purchaser (Wild, et al.). Cost includes monies paid to ready land for operation use (Wild, et al.). Also, any government assessments that add to land value and incur a cost (Wild, et al.). However, land improvement cost is charge to a different land improvement account.

Building Cost

Then there may be building cost, which can be the cost of building or purchasing a building (Wild, et al., 2009). Purchasing of a building may include, purchase price, brokerage fee, title fee, taxes, and attorney fee (Wild, et al.). As well, all expenditures in reading the building for intended use is added to cost (Wild, et al.). But when a building is constructed all material and labor, as well as, a reasonable amount of overhead is added to cost (Wild, et al.).

Machinery and Lump-sum Purchase Cost


Further, there is machinery and equipment cost, which amounts to any cost normal and necessary to purchase and prepare them for intended use (Wild, et al., 2009). Such as, purchase price, taxes, transportation charge, insurance while in transit, and installation, assembling and testing said machinery and equipment (Wild, et al.).

Next there is what’s “called lump-sum purchase, or group, bulk, or basket purchase” (Wild, et al., 2009, p. 324). The cost of purchasing assets in this way is allocated among each type based on asset market value (Wild, et al.).


Wild, J. J., Shaw, K. W., & Chiappetta, B. (2009). Financial and Managerial Accounting: Information for Decisions (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,

Saturday, June 8, 2013


by | on June 6, 2013  

The Importance of Anticipating New Trends or Changes in the Environment


It is important for a firm to anticipate new trends or changes in the environment. Because trends or changes in the environment are elements that help shape opportunities. New trends or changes may develop limitations for some possibilities. Or, prevent some possibilities altogether. While, on the other hand, they may facilitate the attractiveness of others.

For example, one may plan to enter a certain market but, the economical environment may change weakening one’s financial strength. Thus, this may be a barrier to entry into that market, and one’s possibilities are now limited or halted. One may have to use one’s intended investment to try and save one’s current business (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, 2011).

By contrast, the new economy may create new possibilities for another investor. He or she may have the financial strength to buy a few houses now at a low price, and sell high later; if, or when the economy recovers. So, new trends or changes will definitely change the focus of a marketing plan. If marketing managers recognize these changes early, they can take advantage of big opportunities as first movers. So too, a marketing plan strategy may need to be altered (Perreault et al., 2011).

Market Trends is one of many Demographic Factors to be Aware of when making Marketing Decisions


Demographic factors managers should be aware of in order to make the most effective marketing decisions include, but are not limited to the following. Ethnic diversity, market trends, and income distribution; where there is no money there is no market, and market trends may be based on the population diversity.

Target marketers focus on customers, and customers from different ethnic groups may respond to totally different cultural variables. These customers may have different needs to be filled, and think in very different ways. This presents opportunities for the marketer. That is, if promotions are done to target related markets, in accordance with research to identify brand preference within ethnic groups (Perreault et al., 2011).

Reasons to Identify Market Trends


In addition, by identifying market trends the marketer may be able to isolate areas to target. For instance, the birth rate may be higher in one area. As a result, this area may be great for marketing baby products. If a marketer also knew that the United States has the highest divorce rate in the world. Base on that fact, he or she may decide to target single parents as well.

So, by having knowledge of marketing trends, a marketer may segment and target the right market. Moreover, income distribution is also important. Marketers may do better to promote products where there is more disposable and discretionary income. The highlight here is discretionary income, since income has a direct affect on how customers spend. And, discretionary income is what is left after taxes and all necessities are met. Therefore, marketers should be aware of ethnic diversity, market trends, and income distribution. Because together they play an important part, and dictates the marketing strategy plan (Perreault et al., 2011).

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Perreault, Jr. W. D., Cannon, J. P., & McCarthy, J. E. (2011). Basic marketing: A marketing strategy planning approach (16TH ed.). Vol. I., Laureate Education. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mental Beauty: The Poetic Lover in Me


Why Mental Beauty?

I guess by now you may have uncovered that I am lifting the cover to show who I am; Mental Beauty expresses the love I have for my wife. But, it also show my fascination with the mind if you listen closely.

I think it is important to be able to fall in love with someone’s mind before you even start thinking about the physical. One of life’s revelations to me; I think one should grow mentally with their loved ones, or one of you may just out-grow the other.

Nothing to me is sexier than a free, mentally awake, insightful mind. The mind creates your reality or really, your illusion. If the one you are with does not have a developing mind how can you create your reality together? If you are growing mentally and the other person is not, that will be a recipe for disaster; either something is growing, or it is dying.

The only constant is change.

Mental Beauty is an acknowledgement of my wife’s mental image as an attractive intellectual, and her achievements. A mind that is indeed, growing. If you were able to see her mental image in her own right she is a dime. I am an alpha male to the max, but I am balance in that I am a lover as much as a fighter. My fight now is to help others as much as I can.

Mental Beauty

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


by Radical 

The Spoken Word Art Form

Excuse me while I take a few minutes to introduce the artist side of me, and my art the spoken word.

Spoken word is included as a member of the performing arts, and is oratory in nature. However, spoken word can be found in its written form as well, since it is word based. Also, one can find it backed by music, in theatrical performances, in movies and other collaborating art forms.

Modern Spoken Word and its Beginning

Lately spoken word/poetry has become very popular; artists in this arena can be seen reading poetry and/or storytelling at venues. Storytelling is the focus of spoken word. That brings me to this point: many dissertations have been written on storytelling.

I would venture to say, the former is so because storytelling usually gives a voice to untold truths. Spoken word as we know it today is mostly associated to the Harlem Renaissance of the 20’s. Today spoken word can be found being performed on college campuses throughout the United States.

Pioneers of Spoken Word

The true pioneers of spoken word are people like Gil Scott- Heron who recently passes over in 2011, The Watts Prophets, and The last Poets to name a few.  Many may have heard of Russell Simmons, it’s fitting to point out that his founding of Def Jam Poetry left a spotlight on the art form.

Some of my Work

My work is featured in two albums (CDs) published by Moiko Records, under my pen name Radical Mind. I am feature in the CD “A Word to the Wise Vol II“, and “Moiko World Music Vol 2.” These two CD compilations where done as a means to raise money for charity. Again, welcome to the poet in me.

 The Walking Dead

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Radical Change: Radical Mind the Poet in Me

By Radical

Radical Change

I made a radical change; a few people have been asking me if I was still doing poetry, the answer is yes; always.
However, I did drop out the lime-lights so to speak to study what makes one person successful in life and another not so successful. One day while I was listening to one of my works, “Victim of Circumstance” to be exact, the thought came to me. So I have been writing behind the scenes while I do my research.

This Video is my Spoken Word “Victim of Circumstance”
Also found on:

All proceeds from the track goes to charity

In my research on radical changes, I invested in a few online businesses, read books on personal development, went to university, and studied some top people and principles.

People like Bob Proctor, Tony Robins, Less Brown, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Jack Canfield, and Niurka and more. As well, as you may think, I also have read numerous books, and now I will be sharing what I have learned on this quest on my blog in writing and videos (vlog).

Here, I also share business knowledge with you. Why?  I could best answer this question with these quotes:

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” -Buddha
“Whatever we possess becomes of double value when we have the opportunity of sharing it with others.”-Jean-Nicolas Bouilly
“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.”-Margaret Fuller
“When we share – that is poetry in the prose of life.”-Sigmund Freud
“If Virtue and Knowledge are diffused among the People, they will never be enslav’d. This will be their great Security.”-Samuel Adams
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

When Bankruptcy is Ethically and Socially Responsible


Bankruptcy, the Back-up Plan

It may be ethically and socially irresponsible not to have a bankruptcy back-up plan. Bankruptcy is not what one may want to think about, and it can be an emotional strain if needed. But, bankruptcy sometimes becomes a necessity in certain cases. However, entrepreneurs should try not to incur extensive debt to avoid digging a hole to deep to climb out of. It is the moral duty of entrepreneurs to have a bankruptcy plan in case their venture runs into bad weather (Hisrich, Peters & Shepherd, 2010).

When Bankruptcy is the Responsible thing to do

For instance, a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing will allow one to try and salvage one’s business. If one were able to recognize that one’s business was in trouble filing Chapter 11 will be the responsible thing to do. By proving to the courts that one could nurse one’s business back to health via a new business plan, reorganization and success can be realized.

Bankruptcy can be Ethically Correct

This is ethical because it do not leave creditors unpaid. So too, one is seeking to ethically take care of one’s responsibilities. As a matter of fact, one should not wait too long to file bankruptcy, as this will retard the process and may facilitate failure; and, could result in a Chapter 7 filing. All the same, bankruptcy should be a last resort (Hisrich, Peters & Shepherd).
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Hisrich, R. D., Peters, M. P., & Shepherd, D. A. (2010). Entrepreneurship (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Marketing, Operational, and Financial Plans


Relationship among the Marketing, Operational, and Financial Plans

The marketing, operational, and financial plans are all key components of the business plan. The operational plan is directly related to how a goods, or services, are moved through the company to consumers. Without a marketing plan these goods or services may not reach the consumer. The marketing plan is a great tool that enables one to track marketing strategies, and marketing progress. As a matter of fact, without a marketing plan one cannot define the consumer, and the right products, or services for the consumer. As well as, how one should price or promote said products or services (Hisrich, Peters & Shepherd, 2010).

Utilizing  Marketing, Operational, and Financial Plans to Reach Goals

In addition, the financial plan will give insight on how the above is financed. For instance, the financial plan clearly depicts inflow and outflow of cash. This plan will also let one know how much cash is on hand, thus, the big picture of the firm’s financial position is revealed. By utilizing  marketing, operational, and financial plans short-term goals and control may be realized. And, in order to obtain long-term goals and control, one must firs acquire the short-term objectives (Hisrich, Peters & Shepherd).

Most Important among the  Marketing, Operations, and Financing Plans


Moreover, since these areas are relative of each other, the different department heads should consult with each other. By having a cross-functional relationship accurate alignment may be achieved between  marketing, operations, and financing. These are all crucial parts to a business plan; without one of these plans one’s business stands a great chance of failing. However, without a marketing plan one may not get his or her business of the ground. Next comes the financial plan, because in here lies the ability to predict cash needs, and the state of one’s business (Hisrich, Peters & Shepherd).
Hisrich, R. D., Peters, M. P., & Shepherd, D. A. (2010). Entrepreneurship (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Leaders and Sustained organizational change


Leaders are the Driving Force of Change                                                  

Leaders who see the vision of the possibilities of any change must be internally driven to accomplish the objective. Because, the path to obtaining the objective may not be appealing to others since it will be out of their norm, and comfort zone. As such, the task of driving change will be a difficult one (Quinn, 1996).

Leaders Own the Change

Leaders must be active participants of change. In doing so, leaders should take the time to learn about the objective. One cannot walk-the-talk if he or she has no knowledge what the end goal is. Then leaders need to teach their employees what is required of them. As well as, articulate how pending change will affect employees. The line of communication between employees and managers must remain open. Also, leaders’ verbiage should be one that express ownership of the organizational change (Nadler, 1998).

Leaders are Examples of Change


It will take some time for sustainability to set in. However, managers who get promoted during the change initiative and follow through to top positions will have a full understanding of the new environment. These same leaders along with middle management may be an example to subordinates. Leaders must keep employees mindset on the desired activities. So too, by the company rewarding favorable performance in favor of the objective by its employees, change may take hold.

When the Change becomes the Culture


When behavior conducive to the change initiative takes root, the change has now become the norm. Thus, when the change has become the normal operating environment, then indeed a new culture is formed. At this point change is sustained. Though, great care must be given to ensure complacency does not rear its ugly head (Nadler).

 Nadler, D. A. (1998). Champions of change: How ceos and their companies are mastering the skills of radical change. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Quinn, R. E. (1996). Deep change: discovering the leader within. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

This entry

THIS GAME: Spoken Word

by Radical Mind 


Stop being a spectator all through life;
you have got to be in it to win it,
this game called life!
Ride it with all your might,
and if you get thrown off as sometimes you might,
get back on; grab those reins,
and hold on tight.
Don’t let life get you down!
Have no fear for what might come,
for life will sometimes manifest that which you fear.
You see,
they took you energies and set them in motion,
and then control you,
by controlling your emotions.
this ain’t toy-r-us so,
you can’t  push my buttons.
Learn to control your square,
before you end up in a snare,
and fall into despair.
Life might sometimes seem unfair,
but that’s because you fail to properly prepare,
just maybe,
you are unaware,
that this game called life is one of solitaire,
only you to decide what your future bears.
Anthony Williams is here to share this small life lesson,
I hope you heard.
Only you hold the key to what your future might be;
only you pay the fare,
that is,
if you prepare.
For that which you prepare is that which in time do appear.
Stop being a spectator all through life!
You have got to be in it to win it,
this game called life.
© 2009 Anthony L. Williams

Friday, May 31, 2013

Copyright and Patent Protection in the Free Market


The Reasons for Copyrights and Patent Protection

In analyzing the economics of the purely free market, why do most successful industrial societies offer patent and copyright protection, even though these protections enable sellers to charge higher prices? Can the sellers charge whatever they want? Why, or why not?

I offer some answers in this blog entry. Copyright and patent protection is offered in most successful industrial societies; because, it affords the innovators the opportunity to recoup any production development cost. Otherwise, there may be fewer innovators as these people and companies fail to make back their monies.

For Instance, let’s say Microsoft developed new software but could not obtain patent protection for it.  Other companies may make a profit selling that new software. But, Microsoft will start off in the negative, and therefore will lose money since they would not have market power. As a result, their investment will become a sunk cost. That would discourage innovators, and thus, such a society may not thrive. (Frank & Bernanke, 2009)

Copyrights and Patent Protection gives Market Power

However, these sellers may not charge whatever they want; though, market power give them the ability to set the price of their product. Even so, “all [they] can do is pick a price-quantity combination along [their] demand curve” (Frank & Bernanke, p. 275).

For example, in the scenario aforementioned, if Microsoft retained a patent for its newly developed software it may have market power. But, in good judgment may set a price in relation to the demand curve (the price that its customers are willing or able to pay for said product). Because, if the price is set too high, most likely a downward-sloping demand curve is imminent, and a decrease in demand (Frank & Bernanke).

Copyrights and Patent Protection Encourage Innovation

In conclusion, successful industrial societies offer patent and copyright protection to encourage innovation. And, although these protections enable sellers to charge higher prices, there is a limit to what they can charge. Because, selling price should be within the range that customers are willing and able to pay.

 Frank, R. H., & Bernanke, B. S. (2009). Microeconomics 102 (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Purpose of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement

by | on May 30, 2013  

The Balance Sheet and Income Statement

In this blog entry I discuss the purpose of a balance sheet and an income statement in terms of functionality, accuracy, and importance. Also I explain how these statements are used by investors, lenders, and corporate managers when making decisions. These financial statements are important tools one can use to gain an understanding of an organization’s financial health. The balance sheet and income statement is used by different stakeholders to assist them in making informed decisions.

Purpose of the Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is used to give a snap shot of an organization’s assets, liabilities, and its equity at a given point in time, and is summarized in an organized way. However, the book values on an accounting balance sheet may be very different than that of market values. This is important to know, because, financial management’s goal is to maximize market value only (Ross, Westerfield & Jordan, 2011).

How the Income Statement Differs from the Balance Sheet

By contrast, the income statement quantifies performance within some period of time, which could be three months to a year. For instance, a balance sheet may show the details of point A or B. But, the income statement would cover the history from point A through point B. Still, one must remember that it is the marginal tax rate that is significant in financial decisions (Ross, Westerfield & Jordan).
In addition the balance sheet and income statement are collectively important to lenders, investors, and corporate managers. As stated above lenders, investors, and corporate managers used these statements to assess the financial position of an organization. For example, market value relative to the balance sheet and cash flow identity relative to income statements (Ross, Westerfield & Jordan).


Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., & Jordan, B. D. (2011). Essentials of corporate finance (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Critical Thinking and Logic


Critical Thinking

From my point of comprehension, critical thinking is the ability to discern truth from fiction through the process of true thought. By asking the right questions one could uncover the underlying truths. So too, by recognizing fallacies and not accepting things based on one’s emotion alone, facts may be uncovered. The critical thought process can be engaged by using reason and evidence. When using critical thinking one is able to transcend what is considered normal or collective thought.

Using Critical Thinking

Consequently, one is able to see things in a different light; thus, problems are solved and new inventions inspired. As a critical thinker one must be open-minded, and aware of one’s own biases. Therefore, critical thinking must be the ability to use cognitive activity to solve problems and answer questions objectively. This cognitive insight can then be potentially expressed in dialogue or literature (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007).

Logic as Part of Critical Thinking

In addition, logic or the logical thinker is meticulous in deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning has a conclusion that is logically relative to its premises. In other words, the conclusion must follow from the premises. Thus, if the premises are true, then the conclusion most also be true. Yet, inductive reasoning also falls under logic. But, the characteristics of inductive thinking suggest that if the premises are true, then the conclusion is probable. Logic is part of the critical thinking process. The purposes of critical thinking, is to assess answers (views), and understand and solve problems (Kirby & Goodpaster).


Kirby, G. R. & Goodpaster, J. (2007).Thinking (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: PearsonEducation, Inc.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Estimate your Overhead

by | on May 28, 2013  

Reason to Estimate Factory Overhead

Why would a company estimate the amount of factory overhead assigned to individual jobs or job lots? Well, we could sum it up in one word, accountability. When work is being done at a factory, at times, there may be different production sites within that factory. Now, managers are inclined to estimate overhead for individual jobs. By estimating the amount of factory overhead to be assigned to each job, managers may gain insight. Managers gain insight as to what price to tag on to finish goods (products). As well as, whether the company will make a profit, and if a certain project should be pursued (Wild, Shaw & Chiappetta, 2009).

For example, if one had a shoe factory and were approached by a customer with a shoe design for a certain amount of shoes. Before one would take on the job to produce these special designed shoes, an estimated cost should be assigned. Once the cost has been assigned to the production of said shoes, a price may be then given to the customer. If the customer agrees to the price production may begin. Now, say the production cost is $15,000.00 but the customer is not willing to pay more than $15,000.00, it would not be in the factory’s best interest to procure this contract (Wild, et al.).

Overhead and Total Cost

Moreover, getting back to the specifics of estimated factory overhead assigned to individual jobs, which in fact should be included in total cost. Since it (overhead) is part of the expense incurred during production. If said expense (overhead) is not allocated to specific jobs in a reasonable manner, the factory financial records will be inaccurate. Thus, a good reason for estimating the amount of factory overhead to assigned to individual jobs or job lots. For instance, if the customer for the shoes contract in the second paragraph above agrees to producer’s sale price. And, the factory’s managers produce and sold the shoes. Let us also say, that the managers failed to include factory overhead in total cost, and thus the price. This is known as underapplied overhead, and will reflect an overstatement in net income, if remained unadjusted (Wild, et al.).

Activity Base for Overhead

So, how would one identify what should be used as his or her activity base for the overhead rate? Simply by first identifying all activities involved in the production process, keeping in mind that an activity is a task, operation, or procedure that resulted in cost incurring. One will then match these activities with the cost they incurred; it may be easier to group like activities together. Then rates from each pooled base are summed up to find the total rate that is then allocated to the overhead for products yielded from that activity base (Wild, Shaw & Chiappetta, 2009).  See you at the bank. Go ahead and be part of our team; opt-in, and come aboard now.


Wild, J. J., Shaw, K. W., & Chiappetta, B. (2009). Financial and Managerial Accounting:Information for Decisions (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,

Monday, May 27, 2013

Miyoko Shida Rigolo: Amazing

by | on May 27, 2013  

The Amazing Miyoko Shida Rigolo

Wow! You know what, just watch the video below! This woman demonstrates an unbelievable feat of balance.
This is truly what the world is all about balance = Spirituality, family and friends, occupation, recreation, and money.

Enjoy the show, and what a show it is: Miyoko Shida Rigolo


So what are you thoughts, wasn’t that an amazing feat? Leave your comments below.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Xerox: Knowledge as a Product

by | on May 25, 2013  

Xerox Knowledge Management Program

This blog entry is about a case study on Xerox, and its early days of implementing a knowledge management (KM) initiative by first creating a knowledge-sharing environment (Powers, 1999). According to Powers, “Xerox Corporation established its identity in the late 1990s as ‘The Document Company” (Powers, 1999, p. 1).

XeroxXerox is involved in producing knowledge as a product, and sharing that knowledge. As well, the generated knowledge is use to drive innovation in the company. This is done by building and mining customer knowledge bases; and, by understanding and measuring the value of acquired knowledge. Xerox also leverages its intellectual assets. Thus, this indicates there is a demand and supply side to Xerox KM (Powers, 1999). Since second-generation KM uses the whole knowledge life cycle, and enhances learning (McElroy, 2002). This would mean the whole life cycle consist of the demand and supply side; so too, the whole life cycle is involve with knowledge creation (McElroy). This also would mean that Xerox had implemented second-generation KM.

Xerox Method of Implementation

After seeking to understand its customers, and market place interest relative to knowledge. Xerox started off by differentiating KM from information management, and defining what is the community of practice. The company then established an environment whereby knowledge is shared. A system referred to as Eureka was created so that intellectual capital can be created, and reused worldwide (Powers, 1999).   In this way, tacit knowledge can be captured as part of a knowledge asset (Collison & Parcell, 2010). Eureka has saved Xerox thousands of dollars. Xerox also had established a knowledge panel to help foster the KM process.

Note: There was no indication of the length of this case study.

Outcomes at Xerox

Overall I think the Xerox knowledge management program was a success. The company was smart in that it researched other companies, and how these companies were implementing KM. Xerox then realized that not all the companies it researched were using the whole life cycle. However, Xerox decided that for KM to work all aspects must be employed. Thus, as a result and on a positive note, Xerox has experienced high measures of success. Xerox has managed to save millions of dollars using its Eureka and later another web based tool referred to as DocuShare. On the negative side, by Xerox implementing and focusing on a KM program, the company failed to focus on some other priorities (Powers, 1999). Still, its KM program was saving the company money. Therefore, I would venture to say that overall Xerox at the time was well on its way to total integration of a successful KM program.


Collison, C., & Parcell, G. (2010). Learning to fly: Practical knowledge management from
leading and learning organizations (Updated ed. with free CD-ROM). West Sussex, UK:
John Wiley & Sons Limited/Capstone Publishing Limited

McElroy, M. (2002). The new knowledge management—Complexity, learning, and sustainable
innovation. (Excerpt). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.

Powers, V. J. (1999). Xerox Creates a Knowledge-Sharing Culture through Grassroots Efforts. Knowledge Management in Practice, (18), 1-4.

Friday, May 24, 2013


by | on May 24, 2013  

Leadership’s Role in Creating an Environment that Supports Knowledge-Sharing

knowledge-sharingLeadership plays a very important role in facilitating the right environment that supports knowledge-sharing. In such an environment, the leadership is not there to judge one’s input or give answers. The role of leadership is to help the group share their insights on a level playing field. In so doing, leadership acts as a guide to help lead participants to workable answers. As well, the leader is to ensure all concerned are clear on the objective; and, that a medium is there to capture new knowledge (Collison & Parcell, 2010).

Human Resource’s Role in Knowledge-Sharing

In an organization with human resource (HR) as the leadership, the role is to create partnerships focused on sharing knowledge. In this instance, HR is to create a culture that promotes innovation, creativity, and learning that has sustainability. This culture should promote learning on an individual, organizational, and group level. So, in essence, leadership role is to be proactive in creating an environment that supports knowledge-sharing (Thite, 2004).

Tools that Encourage Knowledge-Sharing among Workers  

Some tools that can be utilized to promote the knowledge-sharing among workers are after action reviews (AAR). Once employees are open, and committed to learning AARs can help to decipher what works, and what don’t. A learning review is another tool that can help in the capturing of knowledge. Learning reviews are thought to be the most established tool (Collison & Parcell, 2010).

So too, case-based reasoning systems (CBR) can help facilitate knowledge-sharing by using knowledge from past cases. By pulling these pass similar cases, knowledge learned may be applied to current situations. As well, information and communication technology as a tool can address knowledge about the knowledge that is about to be shared (meta-knowledge) (Hendriks, 1999).


Collison, C., & Parcell, G. (2010). Learning to fly: Practical knowledge management from
leading and learning organizations (Updated ed. with free CD-ROM). West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons Limited/Capstone Publishing Limited.

Hendriks, P. (1999). Why share knowledge? The influence of ICT on the motivation for knowledge sharing. Knowledge and Process Management, 6(2), 91-100.

Thite, M. (2004). Strategic positioning of HRM in knowledge-based organizations. The Learning Organization, 11(1), 28-44.

This entry was posted in Empower Network

About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

First-generation Knowledge Management and Second-generation Knowledge Management Differ in their Approaches

by | on May 24, 2013  

First-generation Knowledge Management Approach

First-generational knowledge management (KM) dealt with the supply side of the life cycle only. By contrast second-generation KM strategies use the whole life cycle, both the supply and the demand sides. For instance, first-generation knowledge management relied more on technology relative to strategy in that it tried to trap knowledge with technology. This knowledge was then used to advance the business process by directing the behavior of personnel. In this process organizational knowledge is assumed to be in existence, and all one has to do is capture it. While this has been effective, it also was limiting in creating new knowledge (McElroy, 2001).

Advantages of Second-generation Knowledge Management Over First-generation Knowledge Management

However, since second-generation knowledge management utilizes the whole life cycle, this is no longer the case. Second-generation KM is involved with the creation and integration of knowledge. So, no longer are we to just rely only on knowledge that is thought to exist, we can create it. Knowledge is gained, and produced from people within organizations, thus, it’s a social process. Here, the difference would be the total integration of the life cycle. This, of itself, makes or creates the environment for the sustainability of innovation. And, again, this is so because second-generation knowledge management impacts the whole knowledge life cycle (KLC). Thus, while first-generation knowledge management works with existing knowledge, second-generation KM help produce and integrate new knowledge that impacts the KLC (McElroy, 2002).

McElroy, M. (2001, October). Second-generation knowledge management. Presentation at KMWorld 2001 Conference and Exposition, Santa Clara, CA
McElroy, M. (2002). The new knowledge management—Complexity, learning, and sustainableinnovation. (Excerpt). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.
Related reading

This entry was posted in Empower Network

About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video