Friday, May 31, 2013

Copyright and Patent Protection in the Free Market


The Reasons for Copyrights and Patent Protection

In analyzing the economics of the purely free market, why do most successful industrial societies offer patent and copyright protection, even though these protections enable sellers to charge higher prices? Can the sellers charge whatever they want? Why, or why not?

I offer some answers in this blog entry. Copyright and patent protection is offered in most successful industrial societies; because, it affords the innovators the opportunity to recoup any production development cost. Otherwise, there may be fewer innovators as these people and companies fail to make back their monies.

For Instance, let’s say Microsoft developed new software but could not obtain patent protection for it.  Other companies may make a profit selling that new software. But, Microsoft will start off in the negative, and therefore will lose money since they would not have market power. As a result, their investment will become a sunk cost. That would discourage innovators, and thus, such a society may not thrive. (Frank & Bernanke, 2009)

Copyrights and Patent Protection gives Market Power

However, these sellers may not charge whatever they want; though, market power give them the ability to set the price of their product. Even so, “all [they] can do is pick a price-quantity combination along [their] demand curve” (Frank & Bernanke, p. 275).

For example, in the scenario aforementioned, if Microsoft retained a patent for its newly developed software it may have market power. But, in good judgment may set a price in relation to the demand curve (the price that its customers are willing or able to pay for said product). Because, if the price is set too high, most likely a downward-sloping demand curve is imminent, and a decrease in demand (Frank & Bernanke).

Copyrights and Patent Protection Encourage Innovation

In conclusion, successful industrial societies offer patent and copyright protection to encourage innovation. And, although these protections enable sellers to charge higher prices, there is a limit to what they can charge. Because, selling price should be within the range that customers are willing and able to pay.

 Frank, R. H., & Bernanke, B. S. (2009). Microeconomics 102 (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Purpose of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement

by | on May 30, 2013  

The Balance Sheet and Income Statement

In this blog entry I discuss the purpose of a balance sheet and an income statement in terms of functionality, accuracy, and importance. Also I explain how these statements are used by investors, lenders, and corporate managers when making decisions. These financial statements are important tools one can use to gain an understanding of an organization’s financial health. The balance sheet and income statement is used by different stakeholders to assist them in making informed decisions.

Purpose of the Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is used to give a snap shot of an organization’s assets, liabilities, and its equity at a given point in time, and is summarized in an organized way. However, the book values on an accounting balance sheet may be very different than that of market values. This is important to know, because, financial management’s goal is to maximize market value only (Ross, Westerfield & Jordan, 2011).

How the Income Statement Differs from the Balance Sheet

By contrast, the income statement quantifies performance within some period of time, which could be three months to a year. For instance, a balance sheet may show the details of point A or B. But, the income statement would cover the history from point A through point B. Still, one must remember that it is the marginal tax rate that is significant in financial decisions (Ross, Westerfield & Jordan).
In addition the balance sheet and income statement are collectively important to lenders, investors, and corporate managers. As stated above lenders, investors, and corporate managers used these statements to assess the financial position of an organization. For example, market value relative to the balance sheet and cash flow identity relative to income statements (Ross, Westerfield & Jordan).


Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., & Jordan, B. D. (2011). Essentials of corporate finance (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Critical Thinking and Logic


Critical Thinking

From my point of comprehension, critical thinking is the ability to discern truth from fiction through the process of true thought. By asking the right questions one could uncover the underlying truths. So too, by recognizing fallacies and not accepting things based on one’s emotion alone, facts may be uncovered. The critical thought process can be engaged by using reason and evidence. When using critical thinking one is able to transcend what is considered normal or collective thought.

Using Critical Thinking

Consequently, one is able to see things in a different light; thus, problems are solved and new inventions inspired. As a critical thinker one must be open-minded, and aware of one’s own biases. Therefore, critical thinking must be the ability to use cognitive activity to solve problems and answer questions objectively. This cognitive insight can then be potentially expressed in dialogue or literature (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007).

Logic as Part of Critical Thinking

In addition, logic or the logical thinker is meticulous in deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning has a conclusion that is logically relative to its premises. In other words, the conclusion must follow from the premises. Thus, if the premises are true, then the conclusion most also be true. Yet, inductive reasoning also falls under logic. But, the characteristics of inductive thinking suggest that if the premises are true, then the conclusion is probable. Logic is part of the critical thinking process. The purposes of critical thinking, is to assess answers (views), and understand and solve problems (Kirby & Goodpaster).


Kirby, G. R. & Goodpaster, J. (2007).Thinking (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: PearsonEducation, Inc.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Estimate your Overhead

by | on May 28, 2013  

Reason to Estimate Factory Overhead

Why would a company estimate the amount of factory overhead assigned to individual jobs or job lots? Well, we could sum it up in one word, accountability. When work is being done at a factory, at times, there may be different production sites within that factory. Now, managers are inclined to estimate overhead for individual jobs. By estimating the amount of factory overhead to be assigned to each job, managers may gain insight. Managers gain insight as to what price to tag on to finish goods (products). As well as, whether the company will make a profit, and if a certain project should be pursued (Wild, Shaw & Chiappetta, 2009).

For example, if one had a shoe factory and were approached by a customer with a shoe design for a certain amount of shoes. Before one would take on the job to produce these special designed shoes, an estimated cost should be assigned. Once the cost has been assigned to the production of said shoes, a price may be then given to the customer. If the customer agrees to the price production may begin. Now, say the production cost is $15,000.00 but the customer is not willing to pay more than $15,000.00, it would not be in the factory’s best interest to procure this contract (Wild, et al.).

Overhead and Total Cost

Moreover, getting back to the specifics of estimated factory overhead assigned to individual jobs, which in fact should be included in total cost. Since it (overhead) is part of the expense incurred during production. If said expense (overhead) is not allocated to specific jobs in a reasonable manner, the factory financial records will be inaccurate. Thus, a good reason for estimating the amount of factory overhead to assigned to individual jobs or job lots. For instance, if the customer for the shoes contract in the second paragraph above agrees to producer’s sale price. And, the factory’s managers produce and sold the shoes. Let us also say, that the managers failed to include factory overhead in total cost, and thus the price. This is known as underapplied overhead, and will reflect an overstatement in net income, if remained unadjusted (Wild, et al.).

Activity Base for Overhead

So, how would one identify what should be used as his or her activity base for the overhead rate? Simply by first identifying all activities involved in the production process, keeping in mind that an activity is a task, operation, or procedure that resulted in cost incurring. One will then match these activities with the cost they incurred; it may be easier to group like activities together. Then rates from each pooled base are summed up to find the total rate that is then allocated to the overhead for products yielded from that activity base (Wild, Shaw & Chiappetta, 2009).  See you at the bank. Go ahead and be part of our team; opt-in, and come aboard now.


Wild, J. J., Shaw, K. W., & Chiappetta, B. (2009). Financial and Managerial Accounting:Information for Decisions (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,

Monday, May 27, 2013

Miyoko Shida Rigolo: Amazing

by | on May 27, 2013  

The Amazing Miyoko Shida Rigolo

Wow! You know what, just watch the video below! This woman demonstrates an unbelievable feat of balance.
This is truly what the world is all about balance = Spirituality, family and friends, occupation, recreation, and money.

Enjoy the show, and what a show it is: Miyoko Shida Rigolo


So what are you thoughts, wasn’t that an amazing feat? Leave your comments below.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Xerox: Knowledge as a Product

by | on May 25, 2013  

Xerox Knowledge Management Program

This blog entry is about a case study on Xerox, and its early days of implementing a knowledge management (KM) initiative by first creating a knowledge-sharing environment (Powers, 1999). According to Powers, “Xerox Corporation established its identity in the late 1990s as ‘The Document Company” (Powers, 1999, p. 1).

XeroxXerox is involved in producing knowledge as a product, and sharing that knowledge. As well, the generated knowledge is use to drive innovation in the company. This is done by building and mining customer knowledge bases; and, by understanding and measuring the value of acquired knowledge. Xerox also leverages its intellectual assets. Thus, this indicates there is a demand and supply side to Xerox KM (Powers, 1999). Since second-generation KM uses the whole knowledge life cycle, and enhances learning (McElroy, 2002). This would mean the whole life cycle consist of the demand and supply side; so too, the whole life cycle is involve with knowledge creation (McElroy). This also would mean that Xerox had implemented second-generation KM.

Xerox Method of Implementation

After seeking to understand its customers, and market place interest relative to knowledge. Xerox started off by differentiating KM from information management, and defining what is the community of practice. The company then established an environment whereby knowledge is shared. A system referred to as Eureka was created so that intellectual capital can be created, and reused worldwide (Powers, 1999).   In this way, tacit knowledge can be captured as part of a knowledge asset (Collison & Parcell, 2010). Eureka has saved Xerox thousands of dollars. Xerox also had established a knowledge panel to help foster the KM process.

Note: There was no indication of the length of this case study.

Outcomes at Xerox

Overall I think the Xerox knowledge management program was a success. The company was smart in that it researched other companies, and how these companies were implementing KM. Xerox then realized that not all the companies it researched were using the whole life cycle. However, Xerox decided that for KM to work all aspects must be employed. Thus, as a result and on a positive note, Xerox has experienced high measures of success. Xerox has managed to save millions of dollars using its Eureka and later another web based tool referred to as DocuShare. On the negative side, by Xerox implementing and focusing on a KM program, the company failed to focus on some other priorities (Powers, 1999). Still, its KM program was saving the company money. Therefore, I would venture to say that overall Xerox at the time was well on its way to total integration of a successful KM program.


Collison, C., & Parcell, G. (2010). Learning to fly: Practical knowledge management from
leading and learning organizations (Updated ed. with free CD-ROM). West Sussex, UK:
John Wiley & Sons Limited/Capstone Publishing Limited

McElroy, M. (2002). The new knowledge management—Complexity, learning, and sustainable
innovation. (Excerpt). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.

Powers, V. J. (1999). Xerox Creates a Knowledge-Sharing Culture through Grassroots Efforts. Knowledge Management in Practice, (18), 1-4.

Friday, May 24, 2013


by | on May 24, 2013  

Leadership’s Role in Creating an Environment that Supports Knowledge-Sharing

knowledge-sharingLeadership plays a very important role in facilitating the right environment that supports knowledge-sharing. In such an environment, the leadership is not there to judge one’s input or give answers. The role of leadership is to help the group share their insights on a level playing field. In so doing, leadership acts as a guide to help lead participants to workable answers. As well, the leader is to ensure all concerned are clear on the objective; and, that a medium is there to capture new knowledge (Collison & Parcell, 2010).

Human Resource’s Role in Knowledge-Sharing

In an organization with human resource (HR) as the leadership, the role is to create partnerships focused on sharing knowledge. In this instance, HR is to create a culture that promotes innovation, creativity, and learning that has sustainability. This culture should promote learning on an individual, organizational, and group level. So, in essence, leadership role is to be proactive in creating an environment that supports knowledge-sharing (Thite, 2004).

Tools that Encourage Knowledge-Sharing among Workers  

Some tools that can be utilized to promote the knowledge-sharing among workers are after action reviews (AAR). Once employees are open, and committed to learning AARs can help to decipher what works, and what don’t. A learning review is another tool that can help in the capturing of knowledge. Learning reviews are thought to be the most established tool (Collison & Parcell, 2010).

So too, case-based reasoning systems (CBR) can help facilitate knowledge-sharing by using knowledge from past cases. By pulling these pass similar cases, knowledge learned may be applied to current situations. As well, information and communication technology as a tool can address knowledge about the knowledge that is about to be shared (meta-knowledge) (Hendriks, 1999).


Collison, C., & Parcell, G. (2010). Learning to fly: Practical knowledge management from
leading and learning organizations (Updated ed. with free CD-ROM). West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons Limited/Capstone Publishing Limited.

Hendriks, P. (1999). Why share knowledge? The influence of ICT on the motivation for knowledge sharing. Knowledge and Process Management, 6(2), 91-100.

Thite, M. (2004). Strategic positioning of HRM in knowledge-based organizations. The Learning Organization, 11(1), 28-44.

This entry was posted in Empower Network

About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

First-generation Knowledge Management and Second-generation Knowledge Management Differ in their Approaches

by | on May 24, 2013  

First-generation Knowledge Management Approach

First-generational knowledge management (KM) dealt with the supply side of the life cycle only. By contrast second-generation KM strategies use the whole life cycle, both the supply and the demand sides. For instance, first-generation knowledge management relied more on technology relative to strategy in that it tried to trap knowledge with technology. This knowledge was then used to advance the business process by directing the behavior of personnel. In this process organizational knowledge is assumed to be in existence, and all one has to do is capture it. While this has been effective, it also was limiting in creating new knowledge (McElroy, 2001).

Advantages of Second-generation Knowledge Management Over First-generation Knowledge Management

However, since second-generation knowledge management utilizes the whole life cycle, this is no longer the case. Second-generation KM is involved with the creation and integration of knowledge. So, no longer are we to just rely only on knowledge that is thought to exist, we can create it. Knowledge is gained, and produced from people within organizations, thus, it’s a social process. Here, the difference would be the total integration of the life cycle. This, of itself, makes or creates the environment for the sustainability of innovation. And, again, this is so because second-generation knowledge management impacts the whole knowledge life cycle (KLC). Thus, while first-generation knowledge management works with existing knowledge, second-generation KM help produce and integrate new knowledge that impacts the KLC (McElroy, 2002).

McElroy, M. (2001, October). Second-generation knowledge management. Presentation at KMWorld 2001 Conference and Exposition, Santa Clara, CA
McElroy, M. (2002). The new knowledge management—Complexity, learning, and sustainableinnovation. (Excerpt). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.
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About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Job Analysis

by | on May 21, 2013  

How Job Analysis Benefit a Company

Job analysis is a means of identifying and collecting data about different aspects of a job, and helps human resource (HR) obtain a methodical understanding of the job domain. So, yes, job analysis does benefit a company. By using job analysis to find out what’s required to perform its job/s a company can write job/s descriptions and specifications. As well, the company can now ascertain how to establish pay scales for its particular job/s (Anthony, Kacmar, Perrewe, 2010).

If a company utilizes job analysis it can determine how to go about selecting the right employees to fit its job/s. By knowing job/s description/s and specification/s the individual/s with the right qualification/s may be selected. So too, if the right individuals are selected in the first place, he or she would be a better fit providing a higher retention rate. Job analysis resulting data may be used to allow the potential employee to be provided with job requirements. This will create an atmosphere to attract individuals with the right skills. Also, if the potential employee can see the vision of how he or she can get promoted within the job, better applicants can be attracted.  Thus, job analysis can assist with the attraction, selection, and retention of good employees (Anthony et. al., 2010).

Real-World Situation that Incorporates Job Analysis and/or Strategies for Attracting, Selecting, and Retaining Quality Talent

Speaking from my experience; the U. S. military incorporates the utilization of job analysis in its initial recruiting tests. The tests, both mental aptitude and physical, are use to determine if one will even be considered for active duty in peace time. These tests are also used for job placement based on what area one has excelled in. In other words, by viewing one’s graded test the military can determine what job to train the individual for; because, he or she has shown trainability potential in that area.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Job Analysis as Utilized by the Military

In the military’s case, I would say that its job analysis system is flawed in that it does not have a psychological testing element. However, job analysis on a whole is a great way to match the right candidate with the correct jobs. Still, it does not provide for a rapid changing job environment, even with a future perspective outlook. Since new technologies can and will eliminate some jobs in part, and others entirely. At this time a new job analysis will be done and restructuring will occur (Anthony et. al., 2010).

 Anthony, W. P., Kacmar, K. M., & Perrewe, P. L. (2010). Human resources management: A strategic approach. (6th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
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About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Three Roles Budgeting Play in a Company

by | on May 19, 2013  

Reasons for Budgeting

In this blog post, I will identify at least three roles budgeting play in a company to help managers control and monitor a business. Although a budget may be prepared at anytime, the three most common reports are monthly, quarterly, and yearly.
One such role is that of comparing actual results with predicted results. A fixed budget performance report is use to monitor and thereby control a company’s performance, and plan future activities. In a fixed budget system, sales are predicted and the budgeting report is use as a ruler to measure actual results against planned activities. Thus, the outcome assessment of a company’s performance may be given a favorable or unfavorable overall progress report (Wild, Shaw & Chiappetta, 2009).
By contrast, another role that budgeting play is to help managers evaluate past performance. By giving a different view, so that activities may be monitored from possible outcomes. Possible outcomes relevant to changes in sales volume; by using a flexible budgeting, a budget may be prepared at the actual output level. Then performance reports are prepared and used to compare flexible budget to actual revenues and costs (Wild, et al.).

The Flexible Budgeting Performance Report

Then there is the flexible budget performance report, this report is used as a basis of information to help managers monitor variances. In the flexible budget performance report, one can analyze differences between actual performance and budgeted performance based on relative activity levels. This report is prepared after volume of sales units is known (Wild, et al.).

Budgeting Predictions

Above I mentioned that the numbers in a sales budget are predicted. However, I did not say how a company can go about identifying those numbers. Predicting sales numbers may be done by computing sales for a given targeted income. Prior year sales income is a given, so one would sum up fixed cost and targeted pretax income, then divide that number by the contribution margin ratio. The difference from that equation should yield a predicted sales number (Wild, Shaw & Chiappetta, 2009). In building your internet marketing, or network marketing business, these same concepts apply.

Wild, J. J., Shaw, K. W., & Chiappetta, B. (2009). Financial and Managerial Accounting: Information for Decisions (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,

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About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Circumstances are not Set in Stone

by | on May 18, 2013  


CircumstancesPeople are responsible for their circumstances. Check this out; I am currently also self-employed as a bail bondsman. Yesterday my partner and I went to pick- up a skip. A skip is a person who was bailed out of jail, and he or she was supposed to go to court on a certain date but instead decided hide. A skip is, also, a person who did not finish paying us and/or is hiding from us in any case. Any way, we found out his person was staying at a particular motel. Upon arriving to the motel we obtained the key to the room and proceeded to open the motel room door after announcing ourselves. First we knocked on the door announced who we were, and not a sound came from the room.

Bad Circumstances

Since we knew this was where the ski resided, at the time. We started to open the door, now there was the card key and a regular key. Every time we tried to open the door someone would lock it back from the inside. Thus, we announced ourselves again, and told the person to stop! Needless to say this continued for about half of an hour. This made a bad circumstance worst. Then finally, we won the battle of lock and unlocking the door. Now the pleading starts; I can’t go back go back to jail; I can pay you now, and a host of other pleading. The person wanted to pay now that his or her freedom was about to be taken. As well, now another bonding agent may not want to bail him or her out; this person is now a risk. These circumstances could have all been avoided if he or she had paid; and of most importance, had picked up the phone when we called or had not tried to hide from us. Instead of paying for service rendered, this person decided to get high with the money.

Create Your Own Circumstances

CircumstancesNow why did I decide to share this with you? It reminded me of why I am working on my living while I am working on my fortune. It, also, reminded me of the countless number of people who I sometimes run into and claims to wants a better financial life. However, they would rather spend their extra money on junk that is of no significance. And, in fact, they will not even recall where that money went, but they claim they want a better financial life. Yet, they won’t take responsibility for their circumstances. One has to invest in something that will bring a better return. You are the only one who can change your circumstances. Take a chance in life; nothing ventured, nothing gained. Twenty years from this date, if you are still in the physical, you would either say I did it or I wish I…; could of; should of. Don’t be that person.

This entry was posted in Empower Network

About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Pros and Cons of globalization

The Pros and Cons of globalization

GlobalizationGlobalization is a set of relationships that is co-dependent on each other; these relationships are between people in different locations worldwide that are divided into nations. As well, these relationships tend to be expanding. As far as pros and cons are concerned, let’s consider the following.  Nations are able to share in new technology, and firms with innovative products can do business with a larger costumer base worldwide. Thus, this would result in increase revenues for those firms. So too, global competition increases due to consumers’ awareness, and their ability to purchase new items that were once unreachable. In turn, by clustering firms gain greater awareness of foreign opportunities. This means new investments and potential profits (Daniels, Radebaugh, & Sullivan, 2011).

Globalization can also lead to better quality of life for host nations. As well as, good working relationships among the different nations involved is a benefit through sign treaties. But, where there is an upside there is also usually a downside. From this point of view, globalization is said to take away jobs from countries with firms looking for cheaper labor in foreign countries. Wages are, as well, argued to become stagnated as firms outsource jobs. When nations join the globalization expansion they run the risk of losing some economic leadership. Also, the people of a nation who has to worry about losing jobs and therefore economic status become stressful (Daniels, et al., 2011).

Global Forces Driving Globalization

One of the main forces driving globalization is technology; because of new technology, firms can now communicate in real time and even see each other while talking. Technology, also, allows for rapid transport of goods and people worldwide. Thus, many of the good that would have spoiled before reaching its destination in the past can now arrive wholesome. This rapid development in technology, and various innovative developments, has widened the consumer demand base globally (Daniels, et al., 2011).

Example of who have Benefited from globalization and who did not

I think that Carnival is the epitome of a company that is truly global. Carnival is a Panamanian company that is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and has its operating headquarters in Miami. This means that Carnival passengers are mostly from the United States. The Carnival benefits from globalization by not having to pay taxes in its home country nor the United States. The carnival also has access to all nations as its source of customers (Daniels, et al., 2011). Wal-Mart is another firm that has benefited from globalization. There are Wal-Mart Stores in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Brazil, China, and other south pacific countries that maintain a high profitability.  Wal-Mart has also managed to keep its production cost low (Anthony, Kacmar., & Perrewe, 2010).

By contrast, city workers in the local police departments do not directly benefit from globalization as far as their job, or pay is concerned. Nor do the fire department, or the regular factory worker. In fact, if you are a worker and not an owner of a major company, chances is you where probably displace from your job. May be it is time to start your own business, just a thought.


Anthony, W. P., Kacmar, K. M., & Perrewe, P. L. (2010). Human resources management: A strategic approach. (6th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Daniels, J., Radebaugh, L., & Sullivan, D. (2011). International business: Environments and operations (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Related post >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Click here

This entry was posted in Empower Network

About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Online Job Search

Online Job Search

Job searchInformation technology (IT) has quickly become a needed commodity in the job search market. Both new and old career fields now require some kind of specialization in IT (Haag & Cummings, 2009). As well, other use for technology may include finding a job; this has significantly changed the job search industry.



Internet Resources Available for Job Search

While surfing the internet one may come across several resources that can be employed to help find a job. For example, if one is looking for an executive or senior management position, it may be of some benefit to explore 6Figure Jobs. One can create a profile, and even post a resume, and memberships are free (, Inc, 2011). Another online source is Elance, if one does freelance work or is a professional looking for employment. Elance has lots of third party references (Elance, Inc., 2011). Simply Hired is one more resource where one can search over 5,280,718 jobs on the internet (Simply Hired, Inc., 2011).

Effectiveness of an Internet Job Search

I think the internet has made job searching easier and has open up the door to a wider variety of jobs. For instance, one may have one job in mind but quickly find that he or she is qualified for other jobs he or she has not considered. The job search is easier because one can sit in the comfort of one’s home, or office and apply for a job. One can, also, apply for more jobs in one day; jobs that may have taken a week to canvas and apply for may now be done in one day. This is alluded to above at Simply Hired, Inc website (Simply Hired, Inc., 2011).

Probability of using an Online Source for future Job search

Currently, I have no intentions of using any internet resource to do a job search. Why not? I am business oriented, and plan to be the proprietor of other business ventures in the future; both online and off line. I am an entrepreneur at heart. In conclusion, it is a known fact that profits will provide for you what wages cannot. So, be your own boss and let’s help stimulate the economy. You don’t have to do what I do, but just make sure what you are doing is helping you and others.

Elance, Inc. (2011). Instant access to great talent. Retrieved November 16th, 2011, from, Inc, (2011). $100K+ jobs for six figure talent: An exclusive career site forsenior management & executive level professionals. Retrieved November 16th, 2011, from
Haag, S., & Cummings, M. (2009). Information systems essentials (3rd ed.). NewYork: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Simply Hired, Inc. (2011). Search 5,280,718 jobs across the web. Retrieved November 16th,2011, from
* If you have a fiend looking to make extra income give him or her this link…….

This entry was posted in Empower Network

About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Management Information Systems

Management Information Systems

Information SystemsThere are three key resources in management information systems (MIS); they are information, information technology, and people. Only one of these three resources is most important. Technology is one of the major reasons why people are being displaced from their jobs every day. Thus, one would think that information technology is the most important factor. But, which resource will prove to be the most important?
One does not have to read a text to answer this question. The answer is, and always will be people. People may utilize information technology in order to relate with and have utility with certain information. However, management information systems are nothing more than a form of business controls which can be studied academically (Haag & Cummings, 2009).

People are more Important than Information Systems

Information SystemsWhile, by contrast, people are the ones who create and gather information to enter as data into these systems. Consequently, without people there would be no information systems. To take it even further, without people to develop technology, that technology would not have existed. Though management information systems and technology on a whole help add value to one’s business.

Information System are Important to Businesses

Information SystemsIn business one is standing still or moving forward. Technology (information systems) help a business move forward; thus, businesses can compete in a high-tech world. The alternative is falling behind one’s competition. This is true, since information technology affects both the top line and bottom line (Haag & Cummings). Therefore, management information systems are important. But without people to create this technology, and then create, gather and input data into the systems MIS in this sense would not be possible.


Haag, S., & Cummings, M. (2009). Information systems essentials (3rd ed.). NewYork: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Leadership Article Review

Leadership Article Review

LeadershipIn the journal of business ethics, an article on leadership, trustworthiness, and ethical stewardship focuses on leaders perceived as trustworthy. According to the article, followers trust for these leaders is more likely to increase, and the leaders are seen as ethical stewards (Caldwell, Hayes, & Long, 2010).  While reading this article, one may consider the history of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
According to Solomon (2006), Dr. King “advocated civil disobedience in the tradition of Gandhi and Thoreau. In other words, he sought to advance the position of African Americans in the [United States] through peaceful political protest” (p. 332). That required a lot of trust from Dr. King’s followers, and thus, he may have been an ethical steward of his time. Since, “such protest included breaking unjust laws and suffering the consequences of doing so” (Solomon, p. 332).

In addition, Caldwell, Hayes, and Long (2010) says, “relationship development behaviors [rdb] reflect a people centered focus on leadership” (p. 2) [.]  Caldwell, Hayes, and Long (2010), go on to say, “that [rdb] involves creating personal connections with others to increase shared ownership and commitment” (p. 2).  One could extrapolate, for this reason Dr. King “was also an integrationist, meaning that he believed that equality of the races required mixed neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools” (pp. 332-333). Dr. King sought to increase a paradigm of shared interracial ownership, and commitment to equality. Dr. King, was indeed a very smart leader in this context.

Leadership Activating Interpersonal Relations

Moreover, by activating interpersonal relations, one may then focus on creating synergy, manifesting a win-win situation by negating competition (Covey, 2003). It is apparent that Dr. King had referent power, thus many people identified with him, and was in awe by his charisma. The article is accepted by the author of this post, as one that reflects the precepts of ethical leadership. Another parallel to theories, and or discussions in the leadership course, is how an ethical leader uses power? “Leaders as ethical stewards consistently demonstrate by their behaviors their commitment to the welfare of stakeholders rather than simply behaviors that seek their own self-interest” (Block, 1993, Caldwell & Karri, 2005, & Pava, 2003 in Caldwell, Hayes, & Long, 2010, p. 6).

Leadership Leading to Trustworthiness Likely to Increase

In conclusion, Caldwell, Hayes, & Long, (2010), discussed how followers trust for leaders perceived as trustworthy is more likely to increase, and the leaders are seen as ethical stewards. Further, Dr. King’s followers, saw him as trustworthy, thus, he may have been an ethical steward of his time. Also, the author of the post feels the article reflects the precepts of ethical leadership. And, parallels to the leadership course, range from referent power, to charisma, interpersonal relations, and ethical leaders uses of power.
Caldwell, C., Hayes, L. A., & Long, D. T. (2010). Leadership, trustworthiness, and ethicalstewardship. Journal of Business Ethics, 96, 497–512.

Covey, S. R. (2003). Principle-centered leadership .Free press, Simon and Schuster, Inc.,

Solomon, R. C. (2006). The big questions: A short introduction to philosophy (7thed.). Wadsworth, a division of Thompson Learning, Inc.,

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I am from the 19th Galaxy :). I am a Dad, husband, brother, son, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Monday, May 13, 2013

Ethical and Unethical Leaders Use of Power

ethicsAn ethical leader will use his or her power to expose a sense of virtuous duty, and empower his or her target. By empowering their followers, and giving them a sense of duty, ethical leaders allow their followers to have autonomy, and direction. In seeing that both follower and leader have the same sense of duty, followers sanction their leaders. Thus, principle-centered leadership is created; “principle-centered power is not forced, it is invited, as the personal agendas of both leader and follower are encompassed by a larger purpose (Covey, 2003, p. 104). So, one could say, that an ethical leader will use his or her power to empower the target towards a common virtuous goal.

Unethical Leaders Abuse Power

By contrast, an unethical leader may use his or her power to control his or her target, where such manipulation is from a point of self-interest. As well, to the leader seeking self-interest, his or her followers are just a means to an end.  “Leaders who deny other organization members their right to participate in organizational decisions and who treat employees like means rather than ends justify their behaviors by rationalization and self-deception” (Warner, 2001, in Caldwell & Canuto-Carranco, 2010, p. 2). Such unethical leaders are more akin to organizational terrorist; leaders whose actions further self-serving personal agendas and denies the rights and welfare of the target (Caldwell & Canuto-Carranco).

Contrast in the use of Power by Leaders

To put it plainly, an example of an ethical leader using power, is liken to a CEO whom is responsible for inspiring employees in meet the company’s goal. This is true, when the aforementioned goal is in line with the moral commitment of the company, and to its investors, and employees. However, when the goal of the leader has fallen away from all moral commitments, except for his or her self-righteous objectives, the leader is in error. An example of unethical use of power is a CEO falsifying accounting records to pocket millions; while his or her employees, and investors, loses their life saving as the company unknowingly crashes.

Do you think there are times when ethical leaders have to act unethically? Why?

No, that is an oxymoron. I my opinion, the moment that an ethical leader does something unethical, he or she has become an unethical leader. However, sometimes instead of doing things right, one may have to do the right thing. And, to the uninformed, the right thing may look wrong.


Caldwell, C., & Canuto-Carranco, M. (2010). ‘‘Organizational terrorism’’ and moral choices Exercising voice when the leader is the problem. Journal of Business Ethics, 97, 159–171.

Covey, S. R. (2003). Principle-centered leadership .Free press, Simon and Schuster, Inc.,

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I am from the 19th Galaxy. I am a Dad, husband, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Woman Received the Best Mother’s Day Ever

Woman Received the Best Mother’s Day Ever

073581-nancy-ruizOne woman received to best Mother’s Day ever. According to fox new, Nancy Ruiz was separate from her daughter for nearly ten years.  Nancy kept hope alive that her daughter was still among the living. Today Nancy is celebrating the best Mother’s Day of her life; her daughter, Gina DeJesus was restored to her at last. Fox news reported Nancy Ruiz as saying “this is the best Mother’s Day I could ever have.” Her daughter recently escaped from what fox news framed “the Cleveland house of horrors” apparently Gina and three others were allegedly being held in captivity by Ariel Castro.  Gina was kidnapped at age 14 and is now 23, she and the others were allegedly kept in the basement of Castro’s home. –Fox News

The Origin of Mother’s Day

In America, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. On Mother’s Day we recognize all positive contributions of made by moms to society. But, I think the greatest recognition of all is that of motherhood and the maternal bonds that is undisputable. However, Mother’s Day as is calibrated worldwide has different beginnings. Still, though, the world is mostly now adapted to Mother’s Day as celebrated in the United States. What most may not be aware of is how Mother’s Day came to be a celebrated day in the United States; it was a day not to celebrate, but to honor mother’s who had lost their sons to war.

The Ultimate Mother’s Day Gift

The true Mother’s Day gift is recognizing gender equality. It is widely taught, and believe, that women come from a man’s rib. But I beg- to- differ; I don’t care how much you may think that to be true. If there were no women here on earth to grow children you will be non-existent. The rib is a metaphor that implies that a woman’s place is as with a man’s place, side-by-side with his woman. Thus, a woman’s place is at your side. So, don’t think that you man is above your woman! Here place is at your side. And, believe me, you will get nowhere without her. Just look at the world today, who have been running it, and what state is it in? The world is a mess. In order to make a balance decision, we must have balance; male and female energy. I this light I will be truly happy to say: “Happy Mother’s Day” to all true women of his earth.

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I am from the 19th Galaxy. I am a Dad, husband, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Did Globalization Take Away Jobs in America?

Did Globalization Take Away Jobs in America?

globalizationWhat is the greatest opportunity and the greatest threat associated with globalization? The greatest opportunity associated with globalization is the economic one. That is true both for the home country and the country being the recipient of outsourcing. For instance, a U.S. based company outsources the production of jeans to a third world country. By outsourcing, that company now pays one quarter the cost it was paying in the United States on production. However, the U.S. based company is still selling its jeans at the same price or higher, thus, making a bigger profit than before. The third world country workers though being paid less than American workers are happy to be employed. Plus, the third world nation may now specialize in jeans allowing them to build their economy. Not to mention, that third world nation may now buy American goods with their increase income (Hill, 2009).

The Greatest Threat of Globalization is he Lost of Needed Jobs

Moreover, the greatest threat associated with globalization relative to America is the loss of unskilled workers jobs. In that, by outsourcing jobs from America to countries whose workers do work for far less, we create our own demise; to the same extent that those jobs are outsourced, workers are displaced in America. For example, in the paragraph above, the American workers that were manufacturing the jeans that were outsourced to the third world country are now looking for work. Even though, I have read the argument of the technology-induced shift within developed nations. Still, this strengthens the argument for keeping jobs requiring unskilled workers in the home country. After all, America has created generations of welfare recipients who has no skills; without those jobs crime will escalate in America (Hill).

From Globalization Displaced Worker to Entrepreneur

If you were displaced because of globalization, one way out is becoming an entrepreneur. We are living in rapidly changing times, and some people just don’t know what to do. Most of the jobs that went away because of globalization are not coming back. So, stop waiting for those jobs to return. What to do then? It is time to re-invent you! And, that is what personal development is all about; It’s learning a new trade, or going back to school to learn about current jobs in the market; that is, if you are into jobs. As well as developing leadership abilities and business development, and wealth and financial management.  This is what’s going to take you to the next level. Don’t think about starting your own business, that is, if you don’t want to take responsibility for your income. But, remember profits will get you to your income goal faster than wages.

Hill, C. W. (2009). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace (6th ed). McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.,
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About The Author:

I am from the 19th Galaxy. I am a Dad, husband, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when I was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, I had an entrepreneur’s heart. .......If you want to, you can click on one of those links for a FREE Video

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Collective Action for Social Movements

Collective Action for Social Movements

Collective Action Accomplished what an Individual could not

There is strength in numbers, or as you would have it collective action. Rosa Parks will be forever remembered as the African American woman who refused to give up her seat to her Caucasian counterparts. Still, the fact of the matter is that, perhaps, without her longstanding involvement with the NAACP she would not have been so inspired. But is Rosa Parks the mother of that movement? Just maybe, the rightful mother of that movement would be the pregnant mother- to- be who had refused to give up her seat the previous spring. Surely her inability to be the poster candidate did not stop the idea from being planted (Loeb, 2010).

In addition, Parks involvement with the NAACP had caused her to gain knowledge of a previous bus boycott. Thus, without the support (collective action) of the NAACP, and exposure to her fellow civil rights fighters’ actions; Rosa Parks may not have been a name edged in history. It takes all the spokes in the wheel to give support or it may collapse, and the journey fails (Loeb, 2010). Even so, Rosa parks and all who assisted her was just a small part of the civil rights movement on a whole. What was accomplished could not have been done by one person or small group. It took collective action.

For example, social movements have more power than any one person. A social movement is a collective effort of social activists so to speak. From this base of social movement collective actions may be initiated to influence state, and federal decision makers. So, in this light, it was the collective efforts that cause laws to change; and, not any one unit per se. So too, it was collective efforts of various social movements that cause legislation of desegregation (Goldberg, 2010).

Ways in which Collective Action Caused these Movements to be Sustainable, or have Long-lasting Impact

Social movements are likely to have longer lasting impacts because of the magnitude of collective action. If a person takes on a cause but fail to generate the sufficient supporters, when he or she dies, the cause may die also. Thus, it is with the benefit of mobilizing, structuring, and training that social movement longevity is achieved. Since, these social movements are more likely to transcend time. Please pay attention! Take for example, the NAACP and its role in “Irene Morgan v Commonwealth of Virginia” (Hague, 2010, p. 341). As the story goes Morgan refused to give up her seat to a Caucasian couple for which she was arrested. She was traveling interstate. However, with the help of Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP Morgan won the case. So, it was Morgan’s case that inspired the original freedom rides in 1946 (Hague).

The Importance of Collective Acton to the Movement’s success

Moreover, the point is, had it not been for Thurgood Marshal and the NAACP, Morgan may not have even known how to address the court. As well as, the ability of the NAACP as an organization to address such issues; which in turn crafted the Rosa Parks incident nine years later. It is the movements’ ability to attract diverse groups that gives it long-lasting impact. Group involvement creates diversity which brings in like amount of knowledge. “Before decisions can be made and policies enacted on any given issue it must first garner the attention of political decision makers” (Johnson, 2008, p. 972). This is where groups like the NAACP come in, as in the case with Morgan. Groups like these can help set the agenda going forward.

Therefore, collective action causes the movement to have long-lasting impact by employing the right members. By groups political involvement in taking important issues to congress they effect long-lasting changes.  And, ultimately, because groups causes change where individuals may fail. In essence, groups help change unjust laws (Johnson, 2008). Let us do our bes t  to apply these principles to the betterment of all. We can succeed as part of a collective action, or fail as an individual.


Goldberg, R. A. (2010). The challenge of change: Social movements as non-state actors. Utah Law Review, (1), 65–79.
Hague, E. (2010). ‘The right to enter every other state’ – The supreme court and african american mobility in the united states. Mobilities, 5, (3), 331-347.
Johnson, E. W. (2008). Social movement size, organizational diversity and the making of federal law. Social Forces, 86 (3), 967-993.
Loeb, P. R. (2010). Soul of a citizen: Living with conviction in challenging times (2nd ed.). New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.

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Dad, husband, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when he was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, he had an entrepreneur’s heart. Looking To Earn Extra Income from Home Part Time? Two Ex-homeless Guys Helped Over 27,530 Normal People Earn over $6.1 MILLION in Commissions Online in the Last 5 Months... Click on the Link Above for a FREE Video

Friday, May 10, 2013

How Socially Responsible Actions can be the Back Bone of a Social Movement

How Socially Responsible Actions can be the Back Bone of a Social Movement

How can socially responsible actions help a movement? This is an explanation of factors that contributed to the success of social movements. Presented are some ways in which you could pattern socially responsible actions today after successful movements of the past. As well as, a few factors which might be different today that might necessitate some differences in approach.
There are many factors that contributed to the success of social movements. Some factors are the courage that is shown by people who take a stand for what’s right. So too, summoning the ability to take on a challenge to right a wrong; not knowing how exactly to right the wrong. But, knowing that the important thing is to be authentic, and honor one’s self and children. It is, also, important to remain open-minded and don’t get too self righteous about one’s vision. This can facilitate natural evolution of one’s view, and that’s okay. As one grows intellectually one’s views may change. However, one can still hold fast to the basic principle of fairness and justice (Loeb, 2010). One should also learn the law that applies to one’s social movement situation. Know how to go about using the law to protect participants of one’s movement, and have mutual respect and trust for each other. As well, one should have good structure so that each member knows his or her position and duties (Goldberg, 2010).

Learning Socially Responsible Actions from History

Moreover, socially responsible actions could be pattern today after successful movements of the past. One way could be to use the principles of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and finding peaceful means to an end. Take, for example, the bombing of animal research facilities, and abortion clinics. This is crossing the line with a bang. And clearly, these actions wipeout any morality of the actor and the mean are unjustifiable. One’s actions or means should be morally reflective and having consistency with the end (Loeb, 2010). By following the example of successful movement such as those led by Dr. King through peaceful demonstration. As well as, learning and applying the law. Socially responsible actions may be successfully applied today consistent with those of the past (Ling, 1998).

Socially Responsible Actions and the World Wide Web

In addition, there are factors like the World Wide Web that not necessary necessitate, but will facilitate a different approach. With all the social net works available, one could promote a movement very quickly today. Even president Obama utilized the internet when he ran for office in 2008. As well, one may have to watch the language used in promoting one’s movement. After 911 the country went on high alert. So, some language and or actions may translate to be misinterpreted as actions against the country; or an attack against the country, and or state. Thus, one must take extreme care to be mindful socially responsible actions when using the web.  So too, to gather in large masses today may be seen as an opportunity by terrorist to be so used.
Goldberg, R. A. (2010). The challenge of change: Social movements as non-state actors. Utah Law Review, (1), 65–79.
Ling, P. (1998). Martin luther king’s half-forgotten dream. History Today, 48, (4), 17–22.
Loeb, P. R. (2010). Soul of a citizen: Living with conviction in challenging times. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.
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Dad, husband, entrepreneur, poet, lifelong learner... and personal development advocate. Even when he was living in the heart of Brooklyn as a teenager, he had an entrepreneur’s heart. Looking To Earn Extra Income from Home Part Time? Two Ex-homeless Guys Helped Over 27,530 Normal People Earn over $6.1 MILLION in Commissions Online in the Last 5 Months... Click on the Link Above for a FREE Video